I won FISE 2013!!!He ganado el FISE 2013!!!

For the 4th time in my life I won FISE! I am really happy!!!
Thanks to my sponsors for help me to achieve my dreams! Red Bull, Orbea, Arnette, G Shock, Suelo, Levis and DC shoes!

Por cuarta vez he ganado el Fise! Estoy muy feliz!!!
Gracias a mis sponsors por hacer esto posible! Red Bull, Orbea, Arnette, G Shock, Suelo, Levis and DC shoes!

Red Bull Minidrome Copenhagen!Red Bull Minidrome Copenhagen!

I was invited to perform at the Red Bull Minidrome contest in Copenhagen! To promote the event we did some street shows in downtown of my favourite city in Europe! Check the video!

(Photo by Jesper Gronnemark)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBGzoEmTptQ&feature=youtu.beFui invitado al campeonato Red Bull Minidrom en Copenhague para hacer shows! Antes del evento hice tambien unos shows callejeros! Check the video!

(Photo by Jesper Gronnemark)



Once I had a dream and I believed in it!
Filmed by www.waustudio.com
Thanks to my sponsors Red Bull, G Shock, Arnette, Orbea, Suelo, DCshoes, StepFamily and my love Alexa to make my dream become true!

Una vez tuve un sueño en el que creí!
Grabado por www.waustudio.com
Gracias a mis sponsors Red Bull, G Shock, Arnette, Orbea, Suelo, DCshoes, StepFamily y mi amor Alexa por hacer que mi sueño se haga realidad!