Since 2008, the famous “Bike n’ Mic” BMX Tour concept, created by Viki Gomez himself, has been held across the globe (Europe, Africa, and Asia) at multiple occasions, for various events, age groups, and marketing reasons, all successful, due to its originality of young, fun and modern ways of mixing music, sports, and art.
The Bike n’ Mic, is a combination between young hip hop, rapping and BMX Flatland, where a local MC/Rapper raps a long (local language or English) with the flow of the riding style of the rider Viki Gomez, and other team/guest rider. It is a casual event, appropriate for any kind of street shows for a younger public as much for those globe -trotters interested in young urban culture and sports.
This concept is the simple way of showing how the sports first started, its roots, with the music and culture from the streets as well. This concept is of a performance between multiple riders, that could be performed as a battle competition between the BMX Flatland Riders as well as a show.
– 2+ BMX Riders, 1 MC/Musician
– Car/Van for transportation
– Logistics: Free space (gated area) of min. 10x10m2, Music system for MC (simple and cost friendly)
– Flyers (info of event and riders),
– Merchandising/Give-aways
– Production team for making an video edit (GG.M. has its team)
– Request/Offer via mail: (GG.M.image Management
Bike N’ Mic Tour 2014
Lagos, Nigeria – June 2014
Nairobi, Kenya – May 2014
Mauritius Island – May 2014
San Sebastian, Spain (San Sebastian Film Festival) – September 2014
Madrid, Spain (World’s largest video game expo “GAMERGY”) – December 2014
Barcelona & Madrid, Spain (SMART “Roadshow” promo event (Mercedes-Benz)) – November 2014
The event was held during the European X-GAMES in Barcelona, Spain in June 2013, however renamed to the “Street Fighting” event and was a big success during three days
Bike n’ Mic – GLOBAL
Dar El Saalam, Tanzania 2015 (Red Bull BMX Tour)
- Bike n’ Mic – Dar El Saalam – Tanzania – April 2015
Lagos, Nigeria 2014 / 2013 / 2011 (Red Bull BMX Tour)
Barcelona & Madrid, Spain 2014 (SMART / Mercedes Benz New Car Release Event)
- Bike n’ Mic – Barcelona & Madrid – Spain – August 2014
San Sebastian, Spain 2014 (San Sebastian Film Festival)
- Bike n’ Mic – San Sebastian – Spain – September 2014
Ibiza, Spain 2014 (Méditerranéen Grand Pix Powerboat)
- Bike n’ Mic – Ibiza – Spain – September 2014
Barcelona, Spain 2013 (European X-GAMES)